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two cars parked in front of house

November 05, 2020

Auto insurance for the multi-car family

Whether you’re a family of 4 or 8, if your family has multiple cars, you’ll want to consider a multi-car insurance policy. Here’s what you need to know. Read more

Speed limit 40 sign

October 28, 2020

How a speeding ticket can affect car insurance

If you’ve recently received a speeding ticket, you might be wondering if you’ll be paying for it again with your car insurance carrier. Read more

A white sedan approaches an icon shaped like a stop sign

March 06, 2020

What happens if your car insurance lapses?

When you have a lapse in coverage, you’ll be penalized by paying more for insurance later, no matter your insurance provider or whether the lapse was intentional or accidental. Read more

Father and daughter unload a car full of dorm gear

February 19, 2020

Car insurance for college students

Some insurance carriers charge young drivers more for insurance because of their age. Here’s what parents and students should know about having a car on campus, insuring it, and having car insurance during school and after graduation. Read more

White ambulance with orange stripes

February 11, 2020

How no-fault insurance works

Some states use no-fault laws for car insurance. If you’ve recently moved from an at-fault state or are new to no-fault insurance, learn more about no-fault requirements, and what it means if you’re in an accident. Read more

Woman kneels to inspect a dent in rear bumper.

December 31, 2019

How to choose a car insurance deductible

Your car insurance deductible is one factor that puts you in control of how much you pay for car insurance. Here are some tips for choosing a deductible that’s right for you. Read more

November 25, 2019

Can credit score impact your car insurance rate?

If you’re having trouble getting an affordable rate on insurance it might be your credit score. Traditional insurance companies use it to determine your rate. Read more

November 11, 2019

Does car insurance cover a cracked windshield?

You’re driving and a rock hits and cracks your windshield. You might wonder—how much is a new windshield? And does insurance cover rock chip repair? Read more